There are 48 big companies active in Romania, just like in the case of the Czech Republic.


Poland leads the ranking with 148 large companies, followed by Ukraine (90 companies) and Hungary (60 companies).


If you only take into account the companies combined turnover, Romania ranks 5th with EUR 46.4 billion. Poland also leads this ranking with EUR 218.9 billion, followed by Ukraine with EUR 101.2 billion and Hungary – EUR 85.4 million.


Big companies in Romania posted a profit of EUR 2.05 billion, making the country the third most profitable country in the region.


“On a regional level and compared to the EU average. Romania distinguished itself with an economic growth of 3.5 percent. Although the number of companies present in the Top 500 largest CEE companies has remained similar to the one recorded in previous years (10 percent of total), it is encouraging for the Romanian economy that its biggest economical players had a positive evolution in terms of financial performance, numbers indicated an average growth of 6.3 percent in turnover and a profit margin of 3.3 percent”, according to Constantin Coman, country manager Coface Romania.


The best ranked companies active in Romania are Automobile Dacia (19 in the Top 500), OMV Petrom (20), OMV Petrom Marketing (27), Rompetrol Rafinare (42).


The top also includes companies such as Rompetrol Downstream, Kaufland România, British American Tobacco, Petrotel – Lukoil, Ford România, Electrica Furnizare, E.ON Energie, Orange, Mol, Carrefour, Romgaz, Arcelor Mittal, Vodafone, Mediplus, Selgros, Samsung Electronics România and Dedeman. (source: