„Currently we are implementing the new brand VIVO! for the malls we have in the country and we are working at the second retail brand, STOP.SHOP. We are focusing on the two categories of main assets, office and retail, which remain our core business“, said Sorin Vişoianu, coun­try manager ope­ra­tions in Romania within Im­mofinanz, during an interview taken by ZF.


Vişoianu, 60 years, is one of the most experienced real estate managers, with a career of nearly 20 years in real estate.


On the local market, Im­mofinanz owns malls in Cluj (Polus Center), Con­stanţa (Maritimo Shop­ping Center), Piteşti (Pi­teşti Mall) and Baia Mare (Gold Plaza), totalling more than 147,000 sq. m rentable area. On the office segment, the company has 8 projects with an area of 187,000 sq. m. (Source: zf.ro)