The central-western part of Bucharest, mainly Orhideea area, Basarab passage and the area around metro stations Grozăveşti, Petrache Poenaru and Politehnica, is turning into a future office pole of Bucharest, following the already well-known zones such as Piaţa Victoriei-Aviatorilor, Barbu Văcăres­cu-Floreasca and Dimitrie Pom­peiu (Pipera).


Former industrial platforms in Orhideea area, such as Baduc or Spicul, will make place in the following years to new office projects, mainly developed by Romanian investors, after the look changing of the area with Basarab passage construction, used daily by 80,000-100,000 cars.


 „We’ll see many companies (financial institutions, pharmaceutical companies, financial services) relocating their activities or even headquarters in Orhideea area. On the other hand, Iuliu Maniu-Semănătoarea will become more and more the destination of IT companies”, said Andreea Păun, associate director in the office department of Colliers.


Apart the already existing office projects, Sema Parc and AFI Park, as well as the planned projects, such as  Orhideea Towers of CA Immo, there are new project developments announced in the area, in the context that northern Bucharest, where focused most of the office constructions in the last years, the options for plots with development potential are more and more difficult to find.

A recent transaction signed by Forte Partners, company controlled by the investors Ionuţ Dumi­tres­cu, Geo Mărgescu and Johnny Jabra, for a land of almost 13,000 sq. m bought from Hercesa, across the road from Carrefour Orhideea.  Here, the investors intend to build an office project of 57,000 sq. m. The same investors and the German hypermarket network Kaufland bought the land of the former Griviţa beer factory near Basarab passage from the beer producer Heineken.


Moreover, the real estate arm of Swedish group Ikea bought four years ago two hectares from the construction materials platform Baduc, near Basarab passage, where they planned the development of an office project.


Another “free” land in the area is the one near Politehnica metro station, controlled by Ion Rădulea şi and the Bronte family. The land is part of the former Pumac factory. (Source: