The average cost of fitting out office spaces in Romania ranges between EUR 850 and EUR 950 per square meter, including furniture. However, this can reach EUR 650 to EUR 1,500 per square meter for a full project. Construction and MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing) costs represent 50-55% of the total, while furniture and decorations account for an average of 30-35%, with the remaining 10% going toward professional fees.

Trending Requirements: Sustainability, Ergonomics, and Technological Advancement

In addition to rising costs, the report also highlights a growing demand for offices that meet sustainability and ESG criteria, are ergonomic, and are advanced enough technologically to efficiently support hybrid work (space management/occupancy software/hardware, heatmaps). These preferences reflect a deep shift in how companies view their workspaces, focusing on employee well-being and reducing environmental impact. With the evolving real estate sector, clients’ demands are becoming more sophisticated and technology-driven—a trend likely to continue in the long term.

“To meet rising costs and advanced design requirements, companies need personalized consultancy and expertise in achieving work, organizational, and ESG goals. That’s why, at iO Partners, we’ve developed a holistic and cost-optimization approach that covers all project lifecycle stages—from understanding clients’ sustainability and financial goals to building selection, detailed design, and execution. We ensure that each step, from evaluating construction and fit-out costs to logistical management and final handover, is optimized to deliver high-standard solutions within the agreed budget,” said Marius Mureșan, Head of Project and Development Services at iO Partners.

Despite economic uncertainty and a labor shortage that will persist, the iO Partners analysis predicts inflation stabilization and a potential slight price decrease in the near future. However, cost pressure will remain, fueled by new legislative requirements and the bureaucracy associated with ESG compliance. iO Partners emphasizes that, despite these challenges, quality and sustainability will continue to be priorities for companies.