The options for offices under 1,000 sqm, nearly half of the total area of relocations
According to Esop Consulting, the office relocations on areas with less than 1,000 sqm have increased in the first quarter of 2013.
In this period, the biggest registered volume of transactions, 44%, refers to small offices, under 1,000 sqm, while the transactions for areas between 1,000 and 3,000 sqm represented 37% and the transactions for more than 3,000 sqm only 19%.
comparing to the same period of last year, the companies relocations for under 1,000 sqm registered a 15 points increase, from 29% in 1Q 2012 to 44% in 1Q 2013. As for the number of the transactions, 1Q 2012 registered 35 transactions while 1Q 2013 registered 47 transactions. The growth of the transactions area was more than 1,000 sqm.
The segment of the transactions between 1,000 and 3,000 sqm registered a 12% increase, from 25% from the total volume of relocations in 1Q 2012 to 37% in 1Q 2013. The surface growth was under 1,000 sqm.
On the other side, the segment of transactions for 3,000 sqm and more has registered an important decrease, from 22,946 sqm in 1Q 2012 to 7,000 sqm in 1Q 2013. (sursa: