Soravia to convert the hotel space of Metropolis Center to offices
The Austrian group Soravia will transform into offices the apart hotel operated by Starlight suites from Metropolis Center project in Bucharest, the recoversion being scheduled for June – October 2013, has declared Muler Onofrei, managing director at Soravia.
“The hotel area will close in June to begin the building reconversion. The reason for this decision is the intentions to an optimal alignment of the functionality of the spaces in Metropolis Center. Using the B Building as an office building was decided following the market analyses, the costs, the future trends and the impact on the entire value of the asset.”, Onofrei explained.
The rentable area will reach 5,300 sq m and the construction will be completed during October 2013. Metropolis Center has 27,800 sqm and was erected on the plot of former Cartea Romaneasca printing house. (source: