‘We consider, as such, that Romania is expected to become a market of interest for regional investments’, said Florin Vasilica, leader of the Transactions Assistance Department, EY Romania. Restoring confidence in local economies, availability of cash and of loans will generate a return of mergers and acquisitions in Central and South -Eastern Europe, after a period of trading decline.

 A pretty high percentage, 36 percent, of the executives expects a rise in trading activities globally and a quarter of them plan to take action. In the Central and South East Europe zone, 51 percent of the executives expect the volume of new deals to remain stable over the next 12 months and about 36 percent of respondents expect the volume to increase.


The volume of new deals is determined by an alignment of fundamental factors: positive expectations in respects of the economy, an increased availability of credit, the imperative for growth and expectations to create jobs. (source: nineoclock.ro)