Moreover, the industrial and logistics projects remained this year too in the attention of investors, attracting more than a third of the transactions with real estate assets in the first quarter, namely EUR 57 million.


The rest of the transactions involved retails spaces, with a total of EUR 28 million.


Compared to the similar period of last year, the commercial real estate transactions (including offices, industrial, logistics and retails spaces) have increased in the first quarter of 2016 with more than 30 pct.


In 2016 the increased interest of the investors for the real estate market in Romania stays the same, the investors being attracted by the yields compared to other markets in the region, such as Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. This year marked the entry in Romania of one of the world’s largest investments funds, Blackstone, through the European platform Logicor.


The transaction Logicor-Immofinanz is one of the largest signed in the first quarter. Other important acquisitions included the complete takeover from Bluehouse of the office project City Gate by GTC and the acquisition by Alpha Bank of the office building Cubic Center, previously owned by Adval Asset Management.


JLL specialists show that the prime yields on the local market have reduced in the first quarter with 25 base points and are currently at 7.5 pct for the office market and 9 pct for the industrial markets, but they estimate that there will be no significant decrease in the following period.


The outlook for this year is positive, considering the economic growth, forecast to be one of the largest in Europe, as well as considering the availability of quality projects and the maintaining of significant differences between yields in Romania and in Poland and the Czech Republic, the JLL study also shows. (source: