Since the beginning of the year, Kaufland also opened three new hypermarkets in Târgu Mureş, Oradea and Târgovişte.


Last year, Kaufland opened eight units in Paşcani, Rădăuţi, Fălticeni, Galaţi, Ploieşti, Petroşani, Bucharest (Militari and Pantelimon districts). The investments in the network expansion situated between EUR 48 and EUR 72 million, considering that the average amount for a hypermarket is EUR 6 to EUR 9 million, depending on the city, the value of the land and the store area.


The company announced that it would maintain the expansion pace this year, planning new openings in Bucharest and within the country. Moreover, the company will open this year units in Slatina and Vatra Dornei.


Kaufland is the largest retailer in Romania considering the turnover, exceeding those of Metro Cash&Carry, Auchan and Carrefour.


The retailer opened its first store in Romania in 2005. The company is part of the German group Lidl & Schwartz, also operating on the local market the discount network Lidl. (Source: