GfK opened in 2009 an office in Iaşi where the nationwide telephonic data gathering operations were relocated and no the company decided to rent a new office space for its operations expansion.


„We rented an additional space with an area of 2,300 sq. m in a building which construction will be completed next spring. We will develop here a hub for Europe and other regions which will gradually reach approx. 400 employees“, has declared Ştefan Gheorghiu, senior global real estate manager within GfK Romania.


As Bucharest’s labour market is becoming more and more competitive, the multinationals started to look at other important university centres within the country for their back-office operations, the first targeted being Cluj, Timişoara and Iaşi,  cities where the office rental costs are also lower than in Bucharest, and the labour is well trained.



The district of Iaşi, with a population of 770,000 inhabitants (second largest after Bucharest) attracted in recent years investments mainly on the automotive and IT segments, and the 40,000 students of the two prestigious institutions in the area insure an attractive working force for the new projects. (source: