Equity investments totaled EUR 375 million and intercompany registered a net negative value of EUR 93 million. In February, Romania managed to attract only EUR 36 million, compared to EUR 244 million in January.


In 2013, FDI grew 26.8 percent on year by EUR 2.71 billion, reaching the peak value of the last four years, while in 2012 the economy registered the highest growth in foreign direct investments since the start of the economic crisis.


The highest value for FDI in 2013 was recorded in November last year, with EUR 578 million, up 85 percent month on month. The lowest amounts coming into the country were recorded in March (EUR 48 million) and May (EUR 92 million).


However, the biggest investments happened in 2008, when Romania recorded a total FDI value of EUR 9.496 million. Starting with 2009, the economic indicator started to deteriorate, dropping abruptly to EUR 3.48 billion in 2009 and EUR 2.2 billion in 2010. (Source: business-review.eu)