The new space allows the continuation of the recruitment of specialists and the increase of the team that offers support to the clients. The new headquarters also allows new investments to digitize the company, upgrade the online apps for customers to open claims files, and new technologies that allow a faster internal flow of document processing, which further shortens payment times. The new office of Euroins will function as the operational and business headquarter of the company, while at the old office located in Pipera, Euroins will keep its claims and customer service center. 

The setup of Euroins office space was designed to ensure a modern working environment adapted to the current requirements and trends of the labor market, with mixed work – physical presence and telework. Also, there is a focus on collaboration among the employees. Thus, the new space has optimized dimensions compared to the old Euroins headquarters in the Pipera area.

The new Euroins office is in a smart-building Class A type – which corresponds to high standards from the perspective of security and equipment, health control, low environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance. J8 Office Park was chosen by Euroins also for its accessibility, as this new office park is located in the north area of the capital, close to the metro.