In these villas in 3Q were relocated cultural institutions, medical centres, law firms and media or business consultancy companies.


In the first quarters of 2014, Esop Consulting, leader on the segment of the office villas rentals in Bucharest, has rented nine villas with a total area of 5,246 sq. m. Only three buildings are new construction, built in the latest years.


„Historical villas continue to keep ther charm which is hard to equal for a definite segment of companies looking for offices. They have many attraction elements such as prestigious location always in downtom area, imposing image, high functionality of the spaces, intimacy and a certain uniqueness spirit, which mirrors the tenants’ range of activity”, said Alexandru Petrescu, managing partner Esop Consulting l CORFAC International.      


The tenants in 3Q 2014 preferred the luxury areas such as Magheru, Aviatorilor, Kiseleff and Cismigiu.  


In the first nine months of 2014 the office villas stock with rent between EUR 11 and EUR 15/sq. m /month has increased with seven pct. (from 20 pct in the beginning of the year to 27 pct), while the office stock below EUR 11/sq. m /month has decreased with four pct. and the spaces exceeding EUR 15/sq. m/month also registered a three pct. drop.


Considering the offer on zones in Bucharest, most of the available office spaces in villas are in the central-northern area, followed by centre-west and downtown.

The trends showed in the end of September 2014 a drop of the available spaces in villas centre-north and centre-west and the maintaining of the level in the rest of the zones, compared to the beginning of the year. (Source: