Empatio is a recovery clinic with specialists in Neurology, Manual Therapy, Visceral Osteopathy, P-DTR, Acupuncture, Homeopathy and Emotional Therapy. In the clinic patients are helped to return to the state of 100% efficiency, balance, health and, over time, even raise the standard of this 100%.
Eminescu Offices building, located in Mihai Eminescu Street no. 108-112, is developed by Akcent Development, a developer with a rich portfolio both in the residential area and in the office area. Akcent Development emphasizes quality in all its projects, and the premium services offered by the Empatio clinic matched the standard of the Eminescu Offices building.
"Our services are premium, extremely niche and considering this aspect, we wanted an accessible, central location that would also tick off our needs for standard, surface area, equipment.
The step to Bucharest is part of a long-term plan, which I have been working on for several years, and Eminescu Offices has ticked many of my expectations regarding the standards to which I treat my patients" says Dr. Orest Bolbocean, Empatio medical coordinator, owner and founder of the system (Concept) Empathio.
Dr. Orest Bolbocean is a practicing neurologist and founder of Empatio, Doctor of Medical Sciences, certified in Applied Kinesiology and P-DTR, the only specialist in Manual Therapy with medical studies in Russia.
"We understood from the first moment the needs of Empatio clinic, we liked the concept and the man behind it, and the retail space of Eminescu Offices building was the right choice for the first Empatio clinic in Bucharest. The clinic now occupies 200 square meters on the ground floor of the Eminescu Office building.
We are sure that success will come easily, and we wish Dr. Bolbocean strength to work and to remain as positive and empathetic as we know him" says Elena Miu, Senior Advisor Premium East8, who coordinated the leasing transaction.