Dedeman would pay minimum EUR 230 per sq. m, respectively EUR 6.3 million for the entire plot in 10 Veseliei St., sector 5 Bucharest, according to public data. Apart this amount, Dedeman should also pay for the factory’s demolishment.


Therefore, another factory could be transformed to a DIY store, this being the model that Dedeman, the leader of the local DIY market, has applied in several cases, such as Mobila Elbac factory (Bacău) or Dermatina factory (Timişoara).


The transaction would be decided on 29th of March 2016, during the General Shareholders extraordinary meeting of the company Industria Iutei.


The company plans to relocate, according to the press. The headquarters will be relocated in a dormitory building owned by the company in Ferentari area of Bucharest, the production being relocated in a rented space, “as most of companies in Romania do”. (source: