"Cities of Tomorrow" is recognized nationally as a reference event dedicated to the importance of urban and regional development, this year bringing urban regeneration to the fore. More than 325 participants from both the public and the private are expected.
The event will be honoured by the presence of special guests from Germany: Dipl.-Eng. Hans-Jürgen Best, Essen Public Administrator, and Tilman Buchholz, Deputy Director of the Department for Urban Development at the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and National Security.
The Cities of Tomorrow Conference is a public awareness raising conference on sustainable development, reconversion and revitalization of Romanian regions and cities, the tasks and roles of political, business and civil society actors, the development of urban and rural infrastructure, city management (utilities public transport, traffic management, energy-efficient buildings), integration of the city's central and historical areas, as well as peripherals and beyond.
Urban regeneration through industry and tourism is the topic discussed in the central panel during the first part of the conference. Along with Georg Pammer, Aspern City Smart Research General Manager, we will learn how the space of an old abandoned airport has turned into the greenest and most intelligent district of Vienna. Like Vienna and many other European cities, the cities of Romania are facing the challenges of urban revitalization. This is a continuous, difficult and long process, and the trends and chances that a city become a "magnet" will be presented by Marcel Heroiu, World Bank Urban Development Specialist, starting from the Magnet Cities study.
Starting from the two presentations we will discuss in this panel moderated by arch. Hildegard Brandl, Managing Partner UNITH2B, together with the Mayor of Resita, Ioan Popa, with Tatian Diaconu, CEO Immochan Romania, Christian von Albrichsfeld, CEO Continental Automotive Romania, architect and the urban planner Eugen Pănescu, Founder Partner of Planwerk Cluj and last but not least with arch. Tamina Lolev from nod makerspace, the current situation of the cities of Romania, which makes them attractive for the big investors, attract the work force and the importance of the quality of life for the inhabitants of the Romanian cities in 2018.
The event will continue this year approaching the concept of World Café, a concept that allows participants greater involvement, giving them the opportunity to discuss and apply different topics / projects for two hours, chosen according to the actuality and necessity of the themes and to leave, following these interactive round tables, with concrete ideas and solutions that they can implement in their own projects.
After interactive roundtable discussions, the participants will regroup for a debriefing of the event, for a brief presentation of the solutions identified on each round table.
The best solutions will be judged by the participants, in real time, on the eventlink platform, the winning table being awarded for success.
The marketplace organized in the foyer has also been a success in previous years and we will continue this year. Here, sponsors will have the opportunity to present their solutions and technologies for modernizing and improving the city and regions, along with representatives of local authorities who will come up with concrete projects they want and where they seek the support of private actors. The cities subscribing to the market places are Cluj Napoca, Reşiţa, Sibiu and Siret.
The conference is designed to provide useful insights and new perspectives for: mayors, city managers, representatives of regional development agencies and metropolitan areas, representatives of city and county councils; Romanian and foreign private companies; urban planning professionals and urban architects; real estate investors and developers interested in, or based in South Eastern Europe; real estate professionals; representatives of the chambers of commerce and industry; representatives of industrial clusters; technology providers; urban utilities and infrastructure companies; NGOs and banking professionals.
More details and the agenda of the "Cities of Tomorrow" event can be found at www.citiesoftomorrow.ro. (source: AHK Romania)