Olga Melihov has more than 1o years of experience on the commercial real estate market. Before joining BNP Paribas Real Estate, she worked for Mayland Real Estate in Poland and Romania, being in charge of the development, marketing and communication activities. Melihov also worked for Seracom International Group, where she founded the Seracom International branch in Russia and insured the management and the control of all branch’s activities.

"Creating a strong branch of NP Paribas Real Estate in Romania, connected in integrated in our CEE network represents a key point of BNP Paribas Real Estate’s strategy in this Europe region", has declared Patrick Delcol, CEO BNP Paribas Real Estate for CEE region.


Olga Melihov has graduated from the State University in Bucharest. Moreover she has graduated the post-graduate program Real Estate Professional Executive Program within the Economy and Management Faculty of Solvay Brussels and Polish Commercial Centres Council.  Olga speaks Romanian (native), English, Russian and French. (source: wall-street.ro)