The company provides services and software solutions in various industries, with specialized expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, and ended the year 2023 with nearly $10 million in business.

"Following the global hybrid trend, the two AscentCore offices in Cluj and Timișoara have a strategic role within the company, the development of these centers being a priority for us. Both cities are known for their highly developed tech communities and valuable people. The decision to invest in the area of ​​AI/ML made several years ago has started to have considerable results in the last 12 months, which is why we will further develop these solutions", said Catalin Stef, CEO of AscentCore.

The company aims to reach 100 employees in the headquarters in Timișoara. The location will house various departments, including software development and business operations.

"Our vision is to offer a cosmopolitan lifestyle and work at ISHO, thus attracting innovative companies to our offices. Beyond the buildings, we focus on the services available as a whole and in the area, from those necessary for a healthy life, such as the gym or medical services, to socializing facilities, such as the cafes, the park and the Begăi riverbank", said Ovidiu Sandor, CEO of Mulberry Development, ISHO developer.